Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hot Hot Hot!

Here's my Hungarian Hot Wax peppers. They are not that hot, at least the first one wasn't too bad, kind of like a jalapeno. Some of my jalapenos are hot this year. I didn't photograph them, they're not as interesting as these other beauties.

Isn't this just beautiful? It is a Bulgarian carrot pepper. I haven't ever seen one, much less grown one, until this year. I was going to pick it when it was yellow, but luckily, a friend told me to wait. Duh, carrots are orange! Silly me. I did pick a cayenne when it was green, and WOWZA. I am definitely fearful of the two red ones below.
I had three habanero plants but only got one habanero. Will it even turn orange before a killing frost? Who knows. I bought a tray of habaneros from the Asian food store....will make a Senegalese hot sauce while the kids are at school. Hoo-boy, do those peppers fume up the house.
And then there are these lovely red Thai peppers. They scare me too.

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